- RTPI Yorkshire Planning Awards 2011 - Overall Winner
- RTPI National Sustainable Communities Finalist 2010
- RIBA Awards Yorkshire Winners 2011
- City of York Council Design Award 2011 for Ron Cooke Hub Building
- City of York Council Design Award 2012 for Theatre Film and TV Building
Education Project
University Campus in Green Belt
O’Neill Associates was the lead consultant for a team which secured outline planning consent for a major expansion of the University of York onto 116 ha of land close to the existing campus.
The submission followed the preparation of a Development Brief in collaboration with the Council and included an Environmental Impact Assessment and supporting documentation to justify development in the Green Belt. Following a six week public inquiry the outline application was granted consent by the Secretary of State.
O’Neill Associates took the lead in obtaining discharge of outline planning conditions, including approvals of a Design Brief, Landscape Design Brief, Travel Plan, Renewable Energy Strategy, Drainage Strategy and a number of Management Plans.
The first phase of this major expansion involved the creation of a 50 ha landscaped setting for the new campus, including a 14 ha lake, the construction of roads and services to provide supporting infrastructure, and the provision of links to the existing campus. O’Neill Associates led the submission of reserved matters applications for these developments as well as for major academic departmental buildings and a 600+ bed residential college.
Subsequent phases included two further colleges, a large scale teaching building and a 850 kw biomass boiler. The Practise also progressed full applications for development of the York Sport Village, providing a swimming pool, fitness suite and studios, floodlit 3G pitches and outdoor velodrome and cycling circuit. A surgery and retail development for the University and local community has also been successfully negotiated.