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Status: Full Planning Consent

Category: Communications

Location: Various

Telecoms & Energy Project

Global Crossing – Cable Landing & Signal Boosting Stations

O’Neill Associates secured planning permissions for Global Crossing, an international telecommunications company, for extensions to its transatlantic cable landing station in a heritage coast location in the south west of England.

The practice also advised Global Crossing on site selection, and obtained planning consents for five repeater stations to boost the signal along the fibre optic link provided between Lands End and London, alongside the railway network.

O’Neill Associates advised Global Crossing on suitable locations for booster stations (both new build and building conversions) along the rail lines and submitted and obtained permissions where necessary.

Planning consents were also obtained for satellite dishes at a number of these locations, to assist with Central Government transmissions. The work was undertaken over a five year period and the sites included Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Norwich, Cambridge, Poole and Swindon.

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Status: Full Planning Consent

Category: Communications

Location: Various

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