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Status: Full Planning Consent

Category: Health and Care

Location: York

Topics: Green Belt, Flooding, Visual Impact, Ecology

Health and Care Facilities Project

Extension of Psychiatric Hospital in the Green Belt

O'Neill associates obtained planning consent for the erection of significant single and two storey buildings at a major secure psychiatric hospital to provide clinical, administrative and residential accommodation together with car parking.

The 7.9ha site lies within the Green Belt and a case was developed to demonstrate very special circumstances justifying the development. The site lies within Flood Zone 2, and O’Neill Associates successfully demonstrated to the Environment Agency that the proposal needed to be located next to the existing Hospital for clinical reasons.

The Practice undertook a pre-application community consultation to engage with concerned local resident and submitted a Planning Statement which established the economic case for the development and outlined how the scheme satisfied planning policies, addressing potential issues on transport, design, visual impact and ecology.

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Status: Full Planning Consent

Category: Health and Care

Location: York

Topics: Green Belt, Flooding, Visual Impact, Ecology

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